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  • ithinkweshouldtalk

Dealing With Our Emotions...

Hey Ya'll!

How are you guys doing on this fine day? I hope that you're doing well. I'm sitting here at my desk finishing up the first week of a brand new school semester. It feels a little surreal to say that we're already almost two months into this year.

I think everyday for me feels pretty familiar. There's definitely new challenges to be had, what with being in school and all, but when I look outside of that, things still feel the same.

I've been living back at home for the last five or six months and things are just so different from the life I had this time last year. That's not to complain--I am so grateful to have a place to call home, a warm bed, clothes to eat and food on the table-- but my life has just changed so drastically, so quickly. I think that I'm still processing.

The old me would've been planning a Girl's Night Out with my gal pals or even going out to grab some food, and a catching a movie. I've been reminiscing a lot on that with people I've been talking to lately, and the thing is it never gets easier to talk about.

I know that many of you probably feel the same way too. I think it's really important that we have these real and honest conversations about what we're feeling, when we're feeling it. No one ever said that we had to simply white knuckle our way through life.

The thing is that on a daily basis, I'm not really sad, but more so just trying to assess what I'm feeling, and how to deal with my emotions. As I write this, I'm on the verge of a receiving a visit from a monthly visitor who likes to take over every aspect of my life (aka aunt flow).

I'm sure many of you out there can relate with me on that. Sometimes my hormones just make me feel so angry and stressed. I genuinely feel like a whole other person sometimes. It's rough ya'll.

But you know what, I know that I'll be okay. Despite the state of the world we're still living in, despite not knowing what lies ahead for me, I know that everything WILL be okay. At some point...

Until then, I'm planning to spend my free time doing more of the things I love. I'm realizing within these days I've been spending at home that time really does go by so quickly, and there's often not enough time in a single day to accomplish all of the things I wish to accomplish.

I'm trying to plan and schedule time for all the things I have to get done, plus leaving room for things I want to do, including working on this podcast, rewatching Gilmore Girls and also, practicing my singing! That's right, singing!!

I had my first vocal class this week and what an adventure that was! I've taken a few lessons long ago but it had been a while since I actually sang in front of people. It was really fun. Stressful and anxiety inducing, but fun!

My hope for you all is that you can find an outlet to focus on right now. I know that that's been my saving grace. I'm also really grateful for this blog. It's the journaling I never seem to have enough time to do!

I guess that's it for now. Thanks for coming to the inner musings of my brain. I hope I didn't scar you all too much! lol.

Until next time ya'll! Stay well, stay safe.

Love you guys!


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