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About the Host


Hi everyone! I'm Jen.


It's really great to meet you!
I figured I should tell you all a little bit more about me and why I decided to start this podcast...
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Like many of you, my life got so completely shaken up by the year 2020--the pandemic, drastic political and social issues, a job loss, and the rapid changes that ensued forced me start to rethinking my priorities. I started thinking more about how I was spending my time, what was important to me, and where I was headed.


When you feel like you've hit rock bottom and there's nowhere else for you to turn, you've got a choice-- You can either move forward, grow, and try to learn something from it, or you can sit, dwell on the negative, and be stagnant.


I chose the former. I think more than anything, I needed an outlet. I needed to be able to talk about all the things that were going on in my life that I was struggling to deal with.


I thought that maybe some of you might be feeling some of the same feelings, and that perhaps we could all do some growing and changing together.


Overwhelmingly, and quite surprisingly, this podcast became the life vest that I needed during a time where I felt like I was drowning. It's the therapy I couldn't access at the time. It's the one thing I could count on.


So, here we are. One season down and another one coming soon. There's still so much to talk about, and there's still so many lessons I have to learn and share with you all.


If you want to learn even more about me, go listen to the episodes. I lay it all on the line there. It's funny how safe it feels to put all of your vulnerabilities in an audio form. There's a sense of anonymity when you're listening to something versus seeing it.


For right now, I'm living in that metaphorical space. I'm thriving there. I hope you decide to come along for the journey!


Thanks for listening,






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