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  • ithinkweshouldtalk

Ya'll Making A Website is HARD!

Can we just talk about how much I love ya'll that I'm up past midnight to get this site ready for Season 2 launch day?!?!

In all fairness, I did start this process well over two weeks ago and haven't had a ton of time in between. I guess I should backtrack and tell you guys why I wanted to start a website in the first place.

For one of my business classes I'm taking this semester, I had an assignment to create a blog and then also write a short summary for why I had created it the way I did. I decided to do it for the podcast because I figured it was a great way to continue to promote the podcast, but also as a way to share a bit more of my thoughts and opinions with you guys in a way that didn't feel as limiting as a 30 minute podcast episode.

Ya'll I pretty much attempted to create this blog on every free website hosting site known to man. I tried every font, layout, and color scheme. I just couldn't seem to get this thing to work out the way I'd wanted it to. And the funny thing is even now, here I am with two different versions of my site because I changed my mind last minute when I kept getting frustrated with the layout.

But I think I finally achieved a version that I can be happy with. I couldn't be more pleased with the way the promotional photos turned out for this second season, all thanks to my amazing friend and photographer Kimberly Brunner (@thebrunnerfamily on Instagram). There's something about shooting with your friends that renders the exact results you're looking for. I was just so comfortable behind the camera with Kim and I really felt like I could let loose a little.

Here I am finally finishing things up on the site just after midnight. In a few hours, Season 2 of the podcast will have officially launched and I'm so thrilled it's happening.

I'm stoked I get to chronicle all of these happenings for you here on my blog. Never thought I'd have a real honest to goodness blog. For years it's just been me ranting over on Tumblr... which I won't link for you haha.

Hoping you all are doing so very well, and I guess that's all I've got for you guys right now. Browse around the site, and feel free to leave some nice comments! I'd really appreciate it!

Ta ta for now!



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