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  • ithinkweshouldtalk

Checking In...

Hey ya'll, how are you guys? I hope that ya'll have been okay lately.

I guess I've just been taking some time lately just to process. I think throughout the last few months I haven't really felt like I've had any resolution to the thoughts and emotions I've had circling around my head. I guess that's to be expected when you're living through a pandemic.

The hardest part is that there's been no precedent for this. No way for us to understand how we're supposed to be feeling, what we're supposed to be thinking.

I'm doing the best I can to take care of myself and find things that make me happy. I know that all of this is temporary, and I keep saying it, but sometimes it's hard for me to truly believe.

All that being said, I wanted to come on here and maybe just tell you guys about some of the good things that have happened. Since I last wrote you all, my amazing friend Jess and I hosted our first LYL x ITWST event that was a wonderful success!

We had an amazing time connecting with old friends, new friends, and just taking a minute to breathe. I'm really grateful for those moments. The kind where for just a minute, you forget about all the crazy, weird, and painful stuff.

Doing this podcast has been challenging but so rewarding, and the thing is that I know that I'm gonna look back on this time and feel so proud of myself for all of the things I was able to achieve despite everything. I'm really grateful that I started this thing and I hope ya'll are enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying putting it together for ya'll.

On another exciting note, my family and I are looking for a new furry family member. We're trying to find a boston terrier, and we've somehow become obsessed with the breed. It's like when you buy a certain car and you start to see them everywhere. That's what it's felt like waiting for this dog to come into our lives! (haha)

I'm also surprisingly managing seven classes, this podcast, spending time with friends, self care, and sleep pretty well. Although, the sleep thing has been thwarted a few times over the last week as I stayed up till midnight trying to edit for the pod 😅.

Nonetheless, I'm holding on ya'll. I'm waking up every single day, healthy, provided for, and that's genuinely all that I can ask for. I'm hoping ya'll are doing the same.

Really grateful to have this blog as an outlet. Anytime I'm feeling a certain way, I know venting into the abyss will make me feel better.

Hoping to talk to you guys again very soon.

Until next time,

xx Jen

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